Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lacewell Remixes

I made these joints in one take. I was at home alone and bored. I have never posted anything else on YouTube. This is the story of my life, no follow up. I'm trying to improve on that outlook. Enjoy!

Bob Ross is a National Treasure

Everything sounds better in Autotune.

So, I'm Immature...

Work on your fitness, I'll be your witness...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Straight Outta Eden

I have never seen my hometown used in historical documentary. One of the baddest banjo players that ever lived, Charlie Poole, was from Eden, NC. I know, the instrument is steeped in controversy and mired in ridicule. Hence why people should learn to open their minds and try to understand new or old things. I think this a super cool project and that's why I'm sharing the link with all of you. I hear a museum might be going up somewhere in Eden. Shout out to Steve Martin and his contribution to the project. If you have Netflix, I believe its still available to stream. Enjoy!

Popeye's is Better Anyway

Okay y'all, Dan Cathy is an idiot for publicly stating his views on gay marriage. Why was it necessary to draw that line in the sand? I say, stick to selling chicken sandwiches and stay out of political issues in public. Pro-Life, Anti-Gay, Fundamentalist Christians drive me up the fucking wall. I know people tend to fear what they don't understand, but these attacks on minority groups disgust me. I am engaged to a lady who is not from the same racial background as I am. Is my love any less intense because she's not black? I think not. I guess that okay because I'm heterosexual and God made me that way, right!?! Really?!? This is why I'm such a supporter of all Civil Rights for all Americans. It is not my place to tell you how to live, moreover, I could careless what goes on in your bedroom. These are the same so-called Christians that were condemning interracial marriage 20 years ago. I say, live and let live. By the way, I'm a college graduate (East Carolina University) and Navy Veteran. One would think the more tolerable environment would be a college campus, right? Wrong. My leaders didn't give a damn about your sexual preference as long as you kept it private and you did your job. People didn't ask or tell because the overall mission was more important than what you did on your off time.

I believe people should start minding their own business again. I say, do you. The birth of Christianity was from the loins of oppression and hate for our views by other older faiths. We as Christians need to look inward and stop pointing our fingers at everyone else. I have my own personal relationship with my God. I don't need idiots like Dan Cathy to define my views, value structure, and my faith as a Christian. All this hate and intolerance for people who are different must end. So, up your butt Mr. Cathy because Popeye's is better anyway.

Monday, July 23, 2012

My Man Miles

Okay folks, for those that don't know me, I'm a man of simple tastes and pleasures. I'm from the South y'all. There are a lot of tress down here and plenty of time to think about life. My favorite thing to do while I'm sitting around is messing with vinyl records. Here is my, hands down, favorite record of all time.


Lately, I haven't been getting as much sleep. My body and mind are restless. So, today, I start blogging. Hopefully, I can come up plenty to write about. A friend of mine told me I should have been doing this years ago. I like to talk smack, that's for sure. Here's goes nothing Internetland!

I plan to discuss all my interests in colorful form. The first adjustment I plan to make is using voice recognition software. As soon as I have that beautiful technology working so that I'm not typing, it will be on and popping. I hope everyone enjoys my take on the world!